Can I use my Priyo Pay account for Stripe payouts?
Yes, you can use your Priyo Pay USD account for your Stripe Payouts.
In order to receive payouts via your Priyo Pay account, you need to add/link the account first in your Stripe.
Here is how you can add your Priyo Pay account in your Stripe:
Login to your Stripe account. Click the Settings icon and select Business Settings

If your Stripe account is based:
In Europe, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Singapore, or Australia click Bank accounts and currencies then + Manage Currencies. Select the currency of the bank account to be added and then click + Add Bank Account

Everywhere else: Click External Payout Accounts and Scheduling and then + Add Bank Account

You may be prompted with a 6 digit code sent via text or email, and asked to re-enter your password.
Enter bank account details.

Ensure the account number, routing number, and name match your bank statement. Use the same name (either individual name or company name) from your bank statement.
Click Add bank account to save.
Updated on: 02/09/2024
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