Register with Priyo Pay
Please follow the below steps to get registered:
1. Go to, click ‘Sign up' button from top right corner of the screen.

2. You will see what will be needed to complete the sign up process. Click ‘Start’ button to proceed.

3. Put your name, email address, and password to create an account. You can also continue with Gmail too. Wait for the Cloudflare verification. You’ll see a ‘tick’ mark once the verification is complete.

4. An OTP will be sent to your email for verification. Please retrieve the OTP from your email and enter it here. Then, click the ‘Create account’ button.

5. If you have a referral code, select ‘Yes’ and enter the code to receive a referral bonus. If you don’t have a referral code, select ‘No’ and click ‘Next’ to proceed.

6. Select your country. If you’re opening the account from Bangladesh, select ‘Bangladesh’. If you’re in the US, select ‘United States’. The KYC criteria will vary depending on the country you choose.

7. Click on ‘Personal account’. Only users with registered businesses in the US are eligible for business accounts. After completing your personal account’s KYC, you can open business accounts.

8. Verify your mobile number. You will get an OTP in your mobile number.

9. Put the OTP here and verify the number.

10. Registration complete. Now continue to proceed further.

Please follow the below steps to get onboard:
Complete your profile
Get your Priyo Pay subscription
Verify your identity (KYC verification)
1. Go to, click ‘Sign up' button from top right corner of the screen.

2. You will see what will be needed to complete the sign up process. Click ‘Start’ button to proceed.

3. Put your name, email address, and password to create an account. You can also continue with Gmail too. Wait for the Cloudflare verification. You’ll see a ‘tick’ mark once the verification is complete.

4. An OTP will be sent to your email for verification. Please retrieve the OTP from your email and enter it here. Then, click the ‘Create account’ button.

5. If you have a referral code, select ‘Yes’ and enter the code to receive a referral bonus. If you don’t have a referral code, select ‘No’ and click ‘Next’ to proceed.

6. Select your country. If you’re opening the account from Bangladesh, select ‘Bangladesh’. If you’re in the US, select ‘United States’. The KYC criteria will vary depending on the country you choose.

7. Click on ‘Personal account’. Only users with registered businesses in the US are eligible for business accounts. After completing your personal account’s KYC, you can open business accounts.

8. Verify your mobile number. You will get an OTP in your mobile number.

9. Put the OTP here and verify the number.

10. Registration complete. Now continue to proceed further.

Please follow the below steps to get onboard:
Complete your profile
Get your Priyo Pay subscription
Verify your identity (KYC verification)
Updated on: 21/08/2024
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