Articles on: Get Started

Verify your identity (KYC verification)

To verify your KYC, you have to complete registration, profile and subscription first.

After completing registration, profile and subscription, please follow these steps to acquire subscription:

 1. Start verifying your identity from this screen.

2. Select ‘Begin verifying’ to continue. 

3. Start your verification by scanning the QR code by your mobile. You’ll receive a link on your mobile device. Click the link to begin the verification process, where you’ll need to take a selfie and photos of your ID card.

4. Once you are done, you will see the screen. Click ‘Next’. 

5. Once you’ve completed your part, Priyo will receive a notification. After reviewing, an admin will approve your request, which typically takes around 24 hours.

6. You will see this screen once your verification is complete. Select ‘Next’. 

7. Agree to the terms and conditions by checking the box, then click ‘Submit’.

8. Your KYC is under review and Priyo will pass it upon checking.

Updated on: 21/08/2024

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